In the last year of the reporting period on Family Violence, only 3 percent of Canadian women reported having experienced violence at the hands of their spouses!

buy Lyrica online canada In the last year of the reporting period on Family Violence, only 3 percent of Canadian women  reported having experienced violence at the hands of their spouses! Ampliación San Mateo (Colonia Solidaridad) 97 percent of women reported no types of violent acts against them of any kind!

At a Calgary workshop on family conflict, researcher Theresa Petkau reported on her masters thesis “ACCOUNT AND ACCOUNTABILITY: PATROL CONSTABLES’ PERCEPTIONS OF WIFE ASSAULT SENSITIVITY TRAINING, A QUALITATIVE EVALUATION”.

Theresa Petkau recounted her impressions that she gained doing her study.  During the study she managed to ride with patrol constables to respond to family violence calls.  She said that when she began her study she was a feminist and that now she is firmly cured from her feminists’ views on the mechanics of family violence, indeed, cured of feminism itself.

Almost without exception, calls for assistance in family violence involve nothing more than to cater to participants in mutually destructive combat in which the parties are virtually always equally at fault.  She asked one of the 43 patrol officers whom she interviewed during that time whether he had (sic) ever encountered any truly battered women, that surely there had to have been some that he had seen over the many years that he had been involved in that type of work.  He responded by starting to count on his fingers and then said: “Yes, there were two.”

Family Violence - man beaten by frying pan

Theresa Petkau stressed that when the latest report on violence against women was released (the exact source escapes me now), it stated that 29 percent of Canadian women experienced violence during their life, but it also said that in the last year of the reporting period 3 percent of women  reported having experienced violence at the hands of their spouses.  She stressed, that, even with the wide range of types of “violence”, expanded to bring up the numbers, 97 percent of women reported no types of violent acts against them of any kind.

The moderator at the workshop, Dave Rutherford asked how in the world it was possible that the atrocious circumstances of our gender politics, especially those pertaining to family violence, weren’t reported in the media.  All three of the guests expressed that, unless the feminist domination of the media were to end, we weren’t likely to see an end to the boycott on news-reporting with respect to violent women.

At the same workshop, Ferrel Christensen, Prof. Emeritus, Department of Philosophy, University of Alberta, spoke about discriminatory views of gender relations in the politics of family violence.  He provided numerous examples of how these deliberately distorted views, supported by distorted and biased reporting of statistics, are used in the vilification and demonizing of men.

Family Violence - state sanctioned propaganda against men by the Australian government

State sanctioned propaganda by the Australian (Queensland) government. When women are automatically portrayed as the sole victims of domestic violence, despite statistics to the contrary, what hope do men have?!





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