You are guilty until you prove yourself innocent – if you can, or the system allows you, that is!

The family court is different to the criminal court. In the criminal court, the premise at least is, that you are innocent until you prove yourself guilty. That is, the onus is on the state to prove that you are guilty.

In family court on the other hand, you are viewed right from the outset as guilty, especially if you are a male, especially if your spouse says so, and especially if the judge decided that he/she does not like you for whatever reason. The court does not have to prove anything and the judge does not have to like you. The judge in fact can do anything – they can even break the law as they have complete judicial immunity and full discretionary powers.  The onus is on you, and you alone, to prove that you are innocent, that you are fit to be a father to your children, or even that you are fit as a human being. If your wife says anything negative about you, that court will believe every word of hers, but unbelievable as it may seem, if you expect the same to apply to you as a male, or as a father, you will be sorely disappointed! Males and fathers suffer extreme discrimination in the family law system. The judge will not be on your side. The feminists had made sure of this! You see, your image has already been tarnished, and it is extremely difficult to extricate your integrity once it has been shredded to pieces. And character assassins and their helpers (usually wives, their mother, their friends and their lawyers)  know this. Yet, the system which is supposed to safeguard us (fathers/males) from this, let’s it all unfold, and then to rub salt into the wound, issues a punishing judgment on your already and maliciously destroyed character.

Quote - The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it

But, we hear that it is not supposed to be like this. We are supposed to have no fault divorce. Textbooks will readily tell you this. In Frances Burton, Family Law, 2003, Cavendish Publishing, page 6, Professor Burton states: Fruit Cove “It is unusual today to find any generalist practitioner, even one who does not practise much in family law, still displaying that old-fashioned pre-1969 approach which under the umbrella of the unreformed law of divorce treated marriage breakdown as a contest which had to be won by an “innocent” party and lost by the “guilty”. Professor Burton goes on to say: “….in an era of joint parental responsibility, any mud-slinging by the parents against each other is now actively discouraged: the pre-1969 lawyer, academic and practitioner alike, knew no other way to obtain an order but by character assassination of the child’s other parent”.

Frances Burton, Family Law, 2003 (01)

Yet this is exactly what goes on today, in 2014, 45 years since the British family law reforms of 1969! Nothing has changed. No fault divorce is a myth! In my experience and in the experience of countless other fathers, who have lost everything worth living for, thanks to their malicious spouses and their feminist lawyers who use character assassination and the children as weapons, as well as the  family courts which give a platform for these tactics to appease the feminists that have hijacked the system.

If you are just a normal human being and just a normal parent, like most decent human beings, you ought to have the same rights to you children and your assets as your spouse. Of course, I am not talking about if you really have abused your spouse and/or your children. Then, you clearly have a fault in your divorce and having your time limited with your children may be warranted, until you have seen a family therapist who gives the OK that you are no longer a threat to your children and your spouse and that you may see them as much as you like (providing they still want to see you, of course).

Take my case, for example? I have lost everything, because of my wife, her hangers on and the family court. My children, my home, my money. Yet, we never had the police to our house, or the Department of Community Services contact us because of abuse of any kind. My wife never complained to me prior to separation that I ever abused her or the children. I have emails from my wife from before separation, saying just what a good father I am and how much she loves me as her husband. My daughter told me before separation that she did not want to see us separated. Our children now need counselling, when they never needed counselling when we were still together. My daughter is sad and cries all the time because she misses me, both when she is not with me and also when she has to leave me after a supervised contact visit. The supervisor at the contact visit tells me that it is the wrong person who is being supervised. Etc., etc., etc. But these are no consolations. There is a human tragedy here, callously allowed to manifest and persist by our family courts today!

Please tell us your story. I am sure you have similar ones to tell!

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